Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I'm so sorry I haven't been on in forever, but I promise I have a lot of good things to fill you in on! First things first, HAPPY FALL! We all know that this is the season every Northeast preppy girl lives for! I'm so glad to finally have the riding boots, vests, monogrammed scarves, and bean boots out to play! Not to mention all the beautiful colors on the trees!

The beautiful view that I get to enjoy everyday
I can honestly say that I am truly blessed to be able to wake up and fall asleep to an amazing view that spans across 6 different towns.

Number two on my list is school. Ugh, I know, I'd rather avoid this topic as well, but it's actually good news! Beside the fact that I'm not exactly where I want to be right now, in terms of location, things couldn't be going better! After putting up with a Physics teacher (that I honestly think isn't even qualified enough to be a janitor), spending lots of time complaining to my parents, and making the library my home once again, I have managed to get a 100 on my Physics test. Round of applause; thank you, thank you. But it doesn't even stop there. I was on my high from Monday's great outcome that I worked coolly on studying for my Calculus test that I, guess what, got a 100 on! I know, it sounds too good to be true. At this point I'm just waiting for my car to break down or something. I KNEW the stars were out of line when during my french class this evening I received YET ANOTHER 100. Add all of these beauties to my hat trick of 100s in Medical Terminology and I have successfully aced every one of my classes' exams in the past 3 school days. I'm really not boasting, I'm just in awe still. Although, I WILL be asking my parents for some sort of reward. I mean let's be honest, I am the golden child at this point. Enough of school.

Next order of business is FALL THINGS! I'll post below a list of all my favorites, let me know yours! Speaking of lists, we all know what holiday is coming up that requires quite an extensive one! I have mine almost all made, but I have to check it twice. ;) That will be for another day.

As always,

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